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Advanced Biofilm Therapy

Love Periodontal Therapy & Biofilm Management


The Number One Tested, All-In-One Supragingival & Subgingival Powder In Our Studies

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Love Hygiene Air with Love Hygiene Air Supreme Powder is a kinder, gentler, more predictable adjunct to periodontal therapy and removing harmful dental biofilm. It enhances traditional methods with advanced periondotal therapy and biofilm management using the state-of-the-art Love Hygiene Air and all-in-one Love Hygiene Air Supreme Powder subgingival and supragingival to help you provide an ultimate dental hygiene treatment solution.

Love Hygiene will have you love hygiene everyday!


Love Hygiene Therapy will provide the ultimate care and painless treatment for your patients. It will provide you an effortless, relaxing way to do your best and give you everything you ever wished for.

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to get a free cart and up to $500 of our most advanced Air Supreme Subgingival and Supragingival, All-In-One powder when you order Love Hygiene Air.


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Minimally Invasive and
Minimally Abrasive

Love Hygiene Air Supreme is #1 Tested when compared to other known calcium carbonate, glycine, erythritol and trehalose powders on the market including Competitor Plus Erythritol 15µm.


The outstanding and innovative Love Hygiene Air Supreme, with a grain size of 15 μm, is less abrasive than conventional powders. As shown below, it also has a superb cleaning and polishing effect and is much faster and more efficient than traditional dental hygiene techniques. This makes dental hygiene appointments quicker and easier for you and your patients.

Removal of tooth substance

Table 1: Love Hygiene Air Supreme ranked first for least abrasive when comparing different powders. The various powders' particle size and material properties play a role in their abrasiveness. 

Love balance

As seen in Table 1, Love Hygiene Air Supreme is the best at being the least abrasive towards the tooth surface. This gentle property makes it perfect for all tooth and root surfaces, supragingival and subgingival.
And again, as Table 1 shows, there is a correlation between grain size and abrasiveness. The smaller the grain size, the gentler the powder, with Love Hygiene Air Supreme being the gentlest. 


The science behind our product's efficiency is rooted in the precise chemical formulation and composition of its particles. The unique 15 μm grain size is the result of extensive research and development efforts aimed at achieving the optimal balance between efficacy and gentleness. This particle size innovation is what sets Love Hygiene Air Supreme apart from competitors, ensuring unparalleled performance in dental cleaning and polishing.
One of the many strengths of Love Hygiene Air Supreme is that it’s minimally invasive and minimally abrasive, as shown in Table 1, being the least abrasive when compared with other powders.


Figure 1: Love Hygiene Air Supreme shows the more desirable regular and rounded shape.
Left: Competitor Plus Erythritol. Right: Love Hygiene Air Supreme.

Grain Size and Shape

Love Hygiene Air Supreme is the least abrasive and has the more desirable, regular and rounded shape. As shown, grain size plays a role in the abrasiveness towards soft tissue. Love Hygiene Air Supreme has a small grain size and low abrasiveness towards enamel, cementum, sensitive dentin and soft tissue. As shown in Table 1, Love Hygiene Air Supreme is significantly less abrasive than Competitor Plus Erythritol.


The reason is clearly shown in Figure 1 when examining these two powders under a light microscope. It was found that the erythritol-based powder Competitor Plus Erythritol shows a more nonhomogeneous composition with partially sharp-edged, pointed particles compared to Love Hygiene Air Supreme. Furthermore, Love Hygiene Air Supreme shows a more curved, rounder shape than the jagged, sharper erythritol-based Competitor Plus Erythritol.


This characteristic explains the less abrasive behavior of Love Hygiene Air Supreme. This special grain size, shape, and formation allows the powder to more evenly break-a-part on impact, distributing its kinetic energy directly to the tooth surface. This results in Love Hygiene Air Supreme having an excellent and outstanding, quick and effective cleaning effect, saving you time and without the other various powders' abrasiveness. 

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Cleaning Effect

Love Hygiene Air Supreme is the fastest and most effective of all the powders tested. A specially designed monosaccharide-based formula achieves a perfect balance between hardness and solubility. This balance is crucial for removing dental plaque and stains effectively without causing harm to the enamel, cementum, dentin or soft tissues. 


The powder's fine grain size of 15 μm, significantly smaller than traditional powders, allows for a more thorough and delicate cleaning process. These tiny, uniform particles can penetrate deeper into the crevices and interdental spaces, ensuring a comprehensive clean that is not achievable with larger, more abrasive particles.

Cleaning Speed

Table 2: Love Hygiene Air Supreme was ranked first for the fastest and most effective cleaning performance. 


Love Hygiene Air Supreme's effectiveness is accompanied by its pleasant, sweet taste and the absence of any undesirable sensitizing effects, a common drawback of other dental powders. 

Polish effect

Table 3: Love Hygiene Air Supreme was ranked first for the best Polishing Effect.
For the polishing effect, the smaller the value, the smoother and better polished the tooth surface.

Polishing Effect

Love Hygiene Air Supreme is superior to its competitors in terms of its ability to clean and polish teeth. Figure 1 above, showed the difference between the nature of Air Supreme when compared to Competitor Plus Erythritol powder. 


The key here is the granularity of the powder. The smaller the value, the smoother and more effective it will be at cleaning the surface of the teeth.
The polishing power of a prophylaxis powder is measured by its ability to smooth the tooth surface without causing microscopic scratches or damage. As shown in Table 3, Love Hygiene Air Supreme ranked first and created the smoother and better polished tooth.


Love Hygiene Air Supreme shows outstanding cleaning and polishing, giving you the best performance with very low abrasiveness. This not only saves you time and money but will also give your patients the most beautiful smile they could wish for.

Smooth Effect

Love Hygiene Air Supreme ranked first for the best Smooth Effect. The "Smooth Effect" shown in Table 4 is calculated by assessing the ratio of the speed of cleaning to the gentleness of the powder's abrasive action, coupled with the quality of the polish it leaves behind. A lower ratio implies a faster, gentler cleaning and a more superior polishing outcome.


Model 29 Love Hygiene
Smooth effect

Table 4: Love Hygiene Air Supreme was ranked first for the best Polishing Effect.
For the polishing effect, the smaller the value, the smoother and better polished the tooth surface.

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Table 5: Love Hygiene Air Supreme ranked first overall

Tabular Comparison of Love Hygiene Air Supreme vs Competitor plus Erythritol:

Love Hygiene Air Supreme ranked first overall! Love Hygiene Air Supreme shows lower abrasiveness, better cleaning performance and cleaning speed, and an excellent smooth effect compared, Competitor Plus Erythritol.

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